Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sweet Surprise

At 4:30PM today there was an unexpected knock at my door. And who do you think it was?  A special delivery for me!  Though Jace thought is was for him.  And he was thrilled.

Adding water to the "jar"

"I love Flower food!"

"Ummmm, they sure smell good Mommy!"

You guessed it.  Beautiful pink roses from my sweetie with very tender card that read, "Just wanted to thank you for all that you do.  You are my soulmate and I will always love and adore you.
Love you eternally, Rye-Pie."

Now excuse me while I go LOVE on my Man!


  1. Good job Ryan! What a perfect end to a let's say different couple of days! They are beautiful.

  2. Ryan ... "Atta Boy!!" Beautiful pink roses for our beautiful Bronwynn!
