Monday, April 11, 2011

A Romp In the Clouds

It keeps getting stuck to my tongue.
It sure tastes good!

Doesn't every mother let their children take the batting out of their couch pillows so they can run and jump in "clouds" all day long? Then when the fun is over, get their lawn rakes out of their garage to try to rake it up off their carpet in desperation after they have tried to pick it up on their hands and knees for hours?

What??  They don't do that?? Why didn't someone tell me??

Well, just the shrieking of glee I heard, made it all worth it!!



  1. They will remember the stuffing long after they have forgotten all about the pillows!

  2. #1- i LOVE it! you are so awesome!
    #2- i would never have the energy to wrake up batting. so your theory on me being young and having more energy...blah, blah, blah. yeah, not true!
