Thursday, April 14, 2011

Rue's Pliko P3

Doesn't she just look stylin'?!!

I scored Rue a Pliko P3 today in Lisbon, Iowa!!  What the heck is a Pliko P3 you ask, and where is Lisbon, Iowa?  Well, I had no idea myself until about 24 hours ago.

A Pliko P3 Peg Perego is the perfect stroller (in my opinion) for little Rue.  Jace's old second hand $3.00 umbrella stroller was not cutting it anymore. I needed one with more bells and whistles.  A Peg Perego isn't just any stroller, it is the top of the line, the creme de la creme, sporting ball bearing suspension wheels, rear foot board for second child, folds up with one hand like an umbrella stroller, and turns on a dime.  Need I say more? One of these puppies will put you back $299.00 or more.

Today at  4:45 PM, the minute Ryan got home from work, we packed up the kids and drove for 43 minutes to Lisbon, Iowa, population 1000 or less. Grace fussed the whole way over and back and clearly reminded us why we will NEVER drive to Utah in the near future.  Jace fell asleep on the way home and had a pee-pee accident.

And it was all worth it because this little beauty -with a brand new seat cushion still in the package- only set us back $50.00.

How did we manage that fine find you ask?  Well, as Ryan would say, it was "The Holy Ghost of Shopping"--Craigslist might have helped a little too.

Rue couldn't be happier with her Fisher-Price version of  a Pliko P3!


1 comment:

  1. Bronwynn ... the "Donald" could learn from you in finding deals! The Holy Ghost of Shopping has come through again!!
    Look at our precious Rue!! She is such a living doll! Could she be any happier???
