Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Finally my Thanksgiving post - Part I

My family
If you read my blog regularly--not that I post regularly--but if you have kept up--or are related to me and are in the following pictures, then you know that I spent Thanksgiving in the sunshine in Southern Utah. Since it was such a fun trip, and because I want you to meet my family, I will now indulge you with Part 1 of my Thanksgiving posts.

 When all my siblings are together with their children-- and children's children-- there is exactly 101 of us.  We outgrew my parents house years ago and have been having dinner at an LDS chapel ever since. This is us at Thanksgiving this year.  I haven't attended now for 6 or 7 years, so it was great to be back.  I hate being the only sibling living out of the state.  After we ate dinner, we introduced ourselves.   Here you see my oldest sister Danielle introducing her kids and grandkids.

We also took pictures outside.  Here are my parents,  DeLoris and Truman Blake,  married August 31, 1948.  They will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary this summer!  Hard to believe. I feel too young to have parents married 65 years, and they feel too young to have been married that long!

Here I am with 5 of my 6 sisters.  They are some of the greatest women I know. 
L to R--the number represents birth order
Calista (7), Me (10), Debra (2), Mom, Danielle (1), Randolyn (8), Malynne (3) 

A candid shot, and Gracie wanted in on the action.

My brothers and Dad.
L to R: Nic (6), Chris (4), Dad, Jabe (5).

All of us together except my sister Francesca (9), was not able to attend.

This is Ryan's family.  They were all so sweet to meet us at the chapel so we could see them too. They drove from Salt Lake City, Phoenix, and Las Vegas.

Jill was celebrating her 60th birthday in a few days and Nicole made this beautiful memory quilt for her.  She looks like it will be her 40th birthday.
That evening the Swigert family went to see the St. George temple, then Will and Jill took Jace with them to see Life of Pi.

Ryan, me, and Gracie didn't go to the movie, but went back to see the temple water fountain, then went to my Mom's house instead.  Gracie does not do well in movies, and it seemed big to fight her through it.
The next day, Jace got his wish-we went and hiked a volcano.  I will post pictures.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Nauvoo, the land of ice and snow

We went to the LDS Temple in Nauvoo, Illinois last week.  We were greeted by lots of snow.  Here is Jace just across the street from the temple by the Joseph Smith and Hyrum monument.  It is about 5:00PM and the sun is starting to set over the Mississippi River in the background.
While I was doing a session Ryan and the kids went to a few historical sites. They made a rope, visited the pioneer bakery and ate gingerbread cookies and went on  what the kids described as a long, cold wagon ride!! They had a blast. I sent Ryan with the camera and he forgot to use it, so I have ZERO pictures to post.   
When it was my turn to watch the kids while Ryan went on a session, we went to the visitor's center and played with the toys. 

I found this on my computer from last summer, and I am trying to remember what  is feels like to wear a short shirt and sandals.  We have been heavily bundled around here for what seems like eternity this year....and there is no end in sight according to weather.com.  It did get up to 30 degrees today, why am I complaining.

And here are the kids playing with the visitor center's toys and the end of a boring post from the land of ice and snow.  We hope when the weather warms up that we have a little more excitement around here.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Our last few days--in no particular order

Here are my cuties enjoying the sled their Dad bought them last week.  We got another 6 inches of snow yesterday, so the grass you see poking through the snow is now buried. 
They have had so much fun!!   
Waving hello to their Grandparents and cousins!! 
Our house is the one in the middle (right)--white with a black roof.
We have  a bowl shaped field behind our house. It is perfect for them to go through our back gate and down the hill on their sled! 
It is now March.  I am ready for spring!!  I don't think Robin and Rue share my same sentiment.
Saturday brought a hair cut for Dad, Gracie was all over helping me accomplish that!  We had stake conference. Ryan and I performed, "I Know that My Redeemer Lives." 
Sunday afternoon Gracie and I took on a little sewing project.
She was very good help and loved stiching the felt, but it took what seemed like a very, 
very long time!! 
Finally we got to the "filling it with rice" step. 
My back was killing!
Gracie putting in the rice-we are still finding rice in our bed!
We ended up with this little frog named Hippity Hop.  It was Jace's that he started on Friday in Kalona in his "Hop to it" class.  They are studying about frogs and toads. 
It would have sat on my kitchen counter in a ziploc bag for weeks if he didn't have a little sister who was bursting to make it!! 
And last but not least, behold our family magic show.  Here you see 2 children and 1 dad.
But with Jace's magic- words and gestures, you will see the girl disappear. 
Ta-da, she is gone!! 
Until she decides to reappear!!
And now you have seen a glimpse of our last few days here in frigid Iowa.