Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Our last few days--in no particular order

Here are my cuties enjoying the sled their Dad bought them last week.  We got another 6 inches of snow yesterday, so the grass you see poking through the snow is now buried. 
They have had so much fun!!   
Waving hello to their Grandparents and cousins!! 
Our house is the one in the middle (right)--white with a black roof.
We have  a bowl shaped field behind our house. It is perfect for them to go through our back gate and down the hill on their sled! 
It is now March.  I am ready for spring!!  I don't think Robin and Rue share my same sentiment.
Saturday brought a hair cut for Dad, Gracie was all over helping me accomplish that!  We had stake conference. Ryan and I performed, "I Know that My Redeemer Lives." 
Sunday afternoon Gracie and I took on a little sewing project.
She was very good help and loved stiching the felt, but it took what seemed like a very, 
very long time!! 
Finally we got to the "filling it with rice" step. 
My back was killing!
Gracie putting in the rice-we are still finding rice in our bed!
We ended up with this little frog named Hippity Hop.  It was Jace's that he started on Friday in Kalona in his "Hop to it" class.  They are studying about frogs and toads. 
It would have sat on my kitchen counter in a ziploc bag for weeks if he didn't have a little sister who was bursting to make it!! 
And last but not least, behold our family magic show.  Here you see 2 children and 1 dad.
But with Jace's magic- words and gestures, you will see the girl disappear. 
Ta-da, she is gone!! 
Until she decides to reappear!!
And now you have seen a glimpse of our last few days here in frigid Iowa.   


  1. To heck with wars, tempests, current affairs, the economy ... THIS is what makes the history that counts! So beautifully captured, B4. I expect my request for B4 pictures to continue to be honored.

  2. ryan needed a haircut! that's fantastic news! way to nurture those follicles dr. swigert, mike would be so proud.
    the kiddos are so big and b, you are gorgeous as ever.
    not seeing you for this long is like cruel and unusual punishment. must put an end to it soon.
