Saturday, May 13, 2017

Just a Random Post


This is a post I started about 3 weeks ago and never finished.  So now I will finish it.   

When I was young, around Gracie's age, I had the most delightful Easter.  My Mother became a Grandmother 3 months after I was born, so I was raised with my Mom always being "Grammy."  (And my Dad being, "Grampy.") Because of this, the holidays were larger then life.  They were beautifully decorated and planned for.  The house would be full of fun and bustle, as my sisters and their families participated in all the festivities with us. Easter on this particular year, was a large egg hunt inside and outside.  We lived on an isolated 7 acre plot of land in Santa Clara, Utah.  This plot of land was a dream land.  It was on the edge of a hill that overlooked the Santa Clara valley and the gorgeous red mountains of now Tuachann were our backdrop.  It was picturesque and perfect in many ways. 
Long story short,  on this particular Easter, my Mom came and found us (3 girls still living at home), and acting surprised,  wanted to show us what the easter bunny had left us in a box outside by our garage. We went with her, and to our joy, there were 3 baby bunnies in that box!!!  Well, I have been wanting to recreate that Easter for my girls.  But I have one huge dilemma.  The Dr, and my girls are very allergic to rabbits!!! And of course Gracie is in love with rabbits and wants baby  mini loped eared rabbit as much as I do.  

Well, on a Wednesday night, 3 weeks ago, I was driving home from the church with Jace, as I am now his Webelos Den leader and we had just finished an activity, and I saw this tiny rabbit hopping in the ditch on the side of the road, I immediately stopped the car and got out.  I didn't think it would let me touch it, but it did!  It was not scared of me.  I took it home for my Gracie and Kersti to hold and love.   I immediately began researching how to raise a wild cottontail.  But the information I found was not too promising.  The baby had a full belly and seemed very happy and healthy. It would not eat while we had it.  We tried everything.  I even tried to give it a bottle with kitten milk.  So we kept it until the following evening and put it back in the bushes by the ditch we found it in.  Hopefully it is living a happy and healthy life as a wild desert cottontail. 

Can you find Meanie in this picture?  Hint-- Jace

This is a picture of my kiddos getting ready for summer at Belair---our desert oasis!  I love it here!  This is all the patio furniture that needed to be sprayed off and dusted.  I think they had a very fun time  doing their "chores"!

These pics are self explanatory.  Even though we spent $413,000 on Ryan's education, we still have to take our kids to the dentist!!!  But luckily it is trade work, and no cost to us!!

So they get spoiled at Cerbat Dental, and we love Brandy--the hygienist!

The kids all had perfect teeth.  That's thanks to the Dr.  He is always getting in there and checking teeth and brushing techniques etc.  I am so uninvolved. When he goes out of town he has to remind me --to remind them-- to brush their teeth!  There may have been a few times in the past where he was gone for a few days on a business trip and we may--or may not --have remembered to brush even once!!

She doesn't get nervous to clean Ryan's teeth. Ryan is so king and easy going,  I would be surprised if he made anyone nervous!!

And this is the end of a random post!!  But we just got home last night from a celebration trip to Mexico.   So I will work on that post and hopefully get it up soon.