Monday, April 18, 2011

My Little Gymnest

A snowy January, February and March  brought us one cooped-up Robin in our neck of the woods.  To solve the problem we signed him up for the "Mighty-Mini's" class at the Iowa City Gymnest.
Here Jace is seen going proudly into class with his coat on upside down and backwards.  But he put it on himself!
He is also trying his skill at rolling down the  triangle, and sitting and listening on his "target."

He's a natural!

The highlight to every session was going downstairs to the big room to jump in the square pit.

Waiting his turn to jump into the "squares."   Notice the lost sock.  We lost half  a dozen socks in the pit.

In he went
Then out he climbed. Over and over again!

Waiting his turn for the "big" trampoline --
-and then getting some good air!

Oh, it was a great 3 months.  Our winter session just ended.

We had so much fun watching our "curly-haired-mo" (Jace)  bob up and down and all around.  What a long and lanky gymnast he became.

We will miss you Iowa Gymnest until next year!


  1. Priceless! That curly hair mop needs some serious squashes and kisses from Grammy!! Loved going to gym class today with Christopher Robin!!!!!!

  2. Just made my day much brighter seeing these choice picks of my curly-haired moe!
