Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday was wonderful.  It was beautiful and sunny.  It had been cloudy and rainy all week so we were thrilled with the warm sunshine.

Ryan and I performed "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" for Sacrament Meeting.  It was a very spiritually uplifting meeting.  I felt so blessed to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I am so grateful that I have a knowledge of my Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ and  I know that He Lives.  It brings me so much happiness that Ryan and I share this belief so that we can teach this to our children.

After church Jace declared that he wanted to walk home, which he did with Ryan after he took a "little rest."  He had been there from 8:15AM until 1:30PM--so I guess he deserved a "little rest"  before his trek home!

1 comment:

  1. I feel exactly the same way after the block. If Grammy would have been there, Jace, she would have brought her blanket and curled up next to you on the lawn. We would have looked for monster squirrel, caught him and taken him home to put back in the sandbox in the backyard. But you would say, "Grammy, there is no monster squirrel because WE LIVE IN I-O-W-A." I would say, "There will always be a monster squirrel in Grammy's heart no matter where Jace lives."
