Friday, May 13, 2011


Grace entertaining herself while mom runs around like a chicken with her head cut off!
Blogger has been performing maintenance for the last 30 hours, so I have not been able to blog. Not sure if this happens regularly. But things seem to finally be up and running.
Anyways, I'm  BUSY BUSY BUSY!  Packing and cleaning.  I will be taking my laptop and hope to blog next week while in Utah.   

Good news,   I can now upload pictures from my laptop.  So whatever blogger was doing yesterday, seemed to solve that problem.

Dear Auntie Jen, 

We got the funnest box from you on our doorstep this morning.  How perfect!  A movie for Jace to watch on the trip, and I loved the outfit for Grace!  I will call you probably next week from St George.

Love , Frances

More later everyone.  I am seriously NOT ready for our  4:45am departure in the morning.  I am going to have happy children tomorrow.  Can't wait for that!  Grammy,  please come play with Grace for me today so I can pack. 

Oh, did I mention that friends of ours are staying in our house while we are gone?  Seemed fine when I volunteered, but now that I am bathroom scrubbing, packing, laundry washing, and everyhing else, I am realizing that I AM CRAZY!!

So on that note have a great day everyone!

Cameron and MaKenzi -- Wishing you  a very HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!  Shouldn't you have like 5 kids by now?


  1. have a wonderful and safe trip!!! i'll miss you!

  2. How sweet it was!!! Grammy and Poppy exceeded the fun quota and got our hugs and squashes to last us until Tuesday. Happy, happy first birthday, precious little Rue! So sorry to put you on the road late; just couldn't let go!!!!

  3. We probably should have around 5 and a half by now.
