Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Every Robin needs a Poppy!

A Poppy is a wonderful thing. Everyone should have one.  The only problem is, they are hard to come by.
They are one in a billion-really.
They run Tool Centers that have amazing "shameans" in them.
   The "shameans" pick up the boxes and then
lift them WAY up high.
   They also have nifty carts with RED wheels that scoot Robins
round and round, and up and 

                                                     down those Tool Center isles.

We are sorry, but this Poppy is ours.  You really can't have him.  We are keeping him all to ourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Priceless, Bronwynn! I have to agree those Poppies are few and far between. Once you nab one you must keep them close and never let them go!!!
