Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Did you know that...

everyone poops?

This is what Chistopher Robin learned today.  There was a shelf of books that his school was giving away today and this is the one he chose. 

I don't think this news had occurred to 4 year old Robin before and it required some serious contemplation on his part.  After all  "today is a pooping day"  he told me as he waltzed out of his school door with his book tucked under his arm.

Showing the book to Baby Gracie
And he was right!


  1. it's books like that, which give me the hopes of one day publishing a book. if people will read that, then surely SOMEONE would read my work.

  2. Jace, I think you and Grammy need to come up with some stories about trucks that poop. What d'ya think?
