Sunday, May 22, 2011

Back to real life!

They played 'til they dropped!
Our 2.5 hour flight home on Friday from Houston to Cedar Rapids in a small "puddle jumper" plane was rough.  I got TOTALLY motion sick and almost threw- up in the little blue sack.  It was the longest flight of my life. That has never happened to me before.

When we finally landed I could barely walk to the car with the whole world spinning around me and an overwhelming wave of nausea hitting me.  Somehow Ryan got us all loaded in the van and got us home.  I crashed in bed for a couple of hours while he made dinner, went to the grocery store, and played "Transformers" with Jace.  He is so amazing. 

Early Saturday morning he had to report to the hospital for "Mid-face" trama call.  We always dread when his service has trama call every three-four weeks.  He is not allowed to leave the hospital until his 30 hour shift is over-and it is usally crazy busy and traumatic. 

I was so worried that I would be sick and not able to care for my children for those 30 hours.  But I woke up Saturday feeling good enough to get around a little bit.  It was a very long 30 hours though.

We have a  tradition of meeting for dinner in the hospital cafeteria if Ryan is free, and then going outside to play in the hospital park.  When the kids and I met up with him last night, he was of couse thrilled to see us, but stressed.

He had treated a patient that had crashed on his ATV leaving him in a vegetative state.  He was not expected to make it.  Ryan's job was to close all his lacerations before surgery.  Just as he was finishing, he nicked himself with the needle he was using.  This patient was Hepatitis C positive so Ryan had to admit himself into the ER for tests and treatment.  His blood was drawn and tested for HIV and the whole works.

When we met he had a  bag of meds in his hand that he was taking, which were making him sick.   He was still waiting for the results of the HIV test.  Which came back negative, but was still so scarry waiting for the results.  Now a 6 week wait for the Hepatitis results.  Luckily suture needles have a low transmission rate.

It is Sunday evening and I am off to my basement.  The sky has gone dark and thunder is rumbling.  The tornado sirens are going off and Ryan's phone just got a text to take shelter immdiately.  I am not kidding. 

Welcome back real life--oh how we love thee!

Our time in Utah was so wonderful and fun.  I will be posting pictures all next week so stay tuned!  (If we are not swept away.) 

Are you freaking out yet Mom?  Ryan would never tell you any of this--hence why I blog!

Do I have any final words you ask?...Can't think of anything profound to say, but Ryan is glad that at least our house was already messy.

And P.S.--NEVER get on an ATV!  per the Dr.'s request.  He's seen too many mutalated bodies in his short 11 months of ER time.


  1. Oh, sweetie ... just got back online after the reunion. Praying for all of you. I can't believe that on top of everything else, you have to worry about a tornado. It seriously takes all that time to get Ryan's blood test back for Hep C? Prayers, prayers, and more prayers. There is that saying, "When it rains, it pours," but I had no idea that for Swigerts that might also include a tornado! Bronwynn, what you described with your motion sickness sounded so much like what happened to me with that inner ear business after the Lagoon ride. It lasted for quite a while. You poor girl!Is this what we get for surpassing the fun quota at the reunion? I am signing off here at 1 am and getting on my knees and praying for you guys!!!!

  2. oh sweet snapping turtles! why can't you just be in virginia where i can take care of you?
    ps. in all serious-ness we will be praying for ryan. that's scary about the hepatitis. maybe you should increase that life insurance. joking ryan!

  3. Wow... Cameron and I are praying for you guys. We can't believe all that Ryan goes through in his residency!!!! I am amazed at how well you guys are handling everything!!! Love you guys
