Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Bathing Baby

How does a little girl learn how to bathe her baby?  By watching her mother of course!  Because I have been tending baby Raegann for several weeks now, there has been a few times when her diaper explosions have called for a bath.  So this is what little Rue has learned:

First, you hold baby high above your head and plop her right in the tub.  Making a BIG splash-which really is quite funny if you ask Christopher Robin!

Then brother wipes the water out of baby's eyes.

Then you test the water with your wrist to make sure it is not too hot.

And since it is just right


 dunk baby face down and swish her all around until she is completely clean.

Then you take her out all sopping wet, which surprisingly gets Mommy very wet too!

Then you wring baby out and hang her up to dry!


  1. I think I might try this method with my 3 year old! Thanks for taking care of him so I could get something done today. Mother of 4 wow!

  2. i just laughed so hard frances. this is the best post ever!! hahah

  3. Oh dear. She treats her baby dolls just like her Grammy Jill used to do. Oh this little whipper-snapper is going to be squashed in April!!!
