Monday, March 5, 2012

Playing Monsters

On Monday, while I was working downstairs in the office, I could hear running and delightful shrieking upstairs. It was Robin and Rue having a wonderful time together.

As I sat listening to them, my heart was swelling with happiness. I love when my children are having a marvelous time together playing games they have invented.

When I finally emerged from the basement, I noticed that Grace had streaks of white lotion in her hair.  I asked Jace what they had been doing.  "Oh, we have been playing monsters. Gracie wants to look like a monster. It's funny huh Mommy?"  "Yes Jace, that's funny."  This would not be the first time that Grace has had lotion in her hair.  

Thirty or so minutes later, I  finally took the time to get Gracie dressed and ready for the day.  The only problem was, the lotion would not come out.  I discovered that it was Tacky glue in her hair--not lotion.  By then it was too late, it was completely dry. 

I looked at Christopher Robin with disbelief in my eyes. But as you can see, he was entirely innocent. He knew nothing about the glue!

But never fear, a few days later, after Gracie had walked around with nickel sized globs of matted glue in her hair, her Dad was finally able to mostly get it out.  It just took a comb and a brush, and a bath and some baby oil, and scissors, and an hour. 


  1. Hahaha! Oh they are so dang cute and creative!! Love it!!

  2. of course, grammy would think this is adorable. one day, when we are grammys, we will think this type of thing is adorable. right now, we are moms and this type of thing is just not adorable.
    glad you finally got it out! this morning we caught nathan sitting on the floor, covered in nesquik powder, eating it by the handful. who are these children?

  3. ps...this is jen, not mike. just so that the whole "we are moms" thing isn't confusing.

  4. haha!! Jen, you are a corker and crack me up!!!!!!!!!!
