Wednesday, March 7, 2012

News from the homefront

I tried last night to think of something fun to write about in this post, but nothing would come to mind.  My life is just a little too boring lately.  So I have decided that this post will be a rundown of news from the home front.

Lets start with Ryan:  He is back on Oral Surgery service.  This week is Mid-face trauma call.  This means his service treats all the trauma injuries to the head and neck that come into the ER. This week he will take call on Tue, Thursday, and Saturday.  So it will be a long week for him and me.

Jace:  He is LOVING pre-school. He looks forward to it everyday.  He asks me all morning long if it is time to get ready for school. Yesterday he painted a rainbow with watercolors.  He went to bed early last night in tears with a stomach ache.  But this morning when he woke up he was all smiles and feeling better.  He loves to dream.  He is my dreamer.  He paces/dances around my living room everyday for long periods of time.  While he paces-he dreams.  His dreams are always about cars and trucks and semis.  If it gets too loud in the room he tells us all to please be quiet because we are interrupting his dreaming.  I love it!

Gracie=ENERGY and SPUNK.  She is the last to fall asleep every night and the first to get up every morning.  She dances and runs, hardly ever walking, around our house and is delightful.  She is busy-into everything and climbing on everything.  She talks a lot and has started to potty train herself.  She is fun!

Me:  I just finished reading "Parenting with Love and Logic" and started reading  "Love and Logic Magic for Early Childhood."   These are such great books.  I have known about this approach to parenting for years, but only recently picked up the books.  I think Ryan is a natural Love and Logic parent, but I am not.  Their approach is very different from the way I was raised.   I am also co-hosting a baby shower this Saturday, so I will be doing a lot of baking this weekend, and I just got asked to do some violin teacher training next week for a couple of hours, so I am flattered and excited about that.

As a family, we are on the last chapter of the book, "The Horse and His Boy" from the chronicles of Narnia. 

And now, I am going to go take on Wednesday!

Have  a great day everyone!


  1. "the horse and his boy" is my favorite narnia book for obvious reasons.
    wish i was there to sample your culinary masterpieces. miss you.

    1. I wish you were here to make my culinary masterpieces! It really is a great book. We have really enjoyed it. I think you need to get a talking horse.

  2. Beautiful Babylonian Bayba Bronwynn aka BBBB ... LOVE this! I have also heard great things about those books!! May I call you B4? ;)
