Friday, March 30, 2012

South Dakota - Part I

On Thursday after Raegann was picked up at 5:30PM, Ryan and I looked at each other and said, lets leave for South Dakota tonight!  We had origianlly planned to leave the next morning.

Grace was already packed and ready to go, so why not. We were out our door by 7:00PM. 

We arrived in Sioux City, SD at 12:08 AM.

Here we all are, wide -eyed and bushy tailed!

Grace fell asleep right past Des Moines, she was watching Baby Signing Times, and it put her right to sleep.

Jace watched Duck Tales and Curious George the whole way.

We were all finally in bed around 12:45 AM. Our room had a little buffalo for Jace to curl up next to.

On Friday when we woke up, it was so nice to have the hard part of our trip out of the way.



  1. how can you even consider moving somewhere that keeps stuffed buffalo in the hotel rooms?

  2. hahaha, Jen!!!! You are a total hoot, girl!!

  3. Ya see how Grace is peeking out of that suitcase? I have a plan to whisk her off in just the same way!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!
