Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Evening

It's Sunday evening, a little past 10:00 pm and BOTH of my children are asleep.  I really don't know what to do with myself.  Ryan is in his office working on his CV--curriculum vitae (resume). We are headed to South Dakota at the end of March for him to interview for a position there.  He still has 2 years left of residency, but we have been told that most residents sign into a practice during their 3rd year. 

Since I have so much free time,  I am going to give you an update about how we are all doing.  By Friday my headaches had stopped and I felt energized again, but Jace was no better. His fever was still raging and he had vomited during the night so during Ryan's lunch hour we raced him in to Quickcare for an antibiotic.  But not before Jace took a much needed pit stop!

On Friday night, we stayed home for obvious reasons.   Ryan and I had scheduled a much overdue date, but we decided not to share our germs with our babysitter.  I was really disappointed about not getting out because I have been excited to see the new ipad but it didn't happen. We watched Tintin instead. And curling up to my handsome man was much more exciting than drooling on a new ipad!

Saturday brought a  new Jace.  His fever had finally broken. He stayed in most of the morning and watched episodes of Night Rider while Ryan and I went outside to wash the cars and weed the front yard.

How did we keep Gracie from running out in the street? By tethering her to the front steps banister.

But don't worry, we fed our princess chilled grapes while she sat on her throne.

Saturday night, I finally got to go on my date with my man, but as you can see we were well chaperoned, which is  a good thing because that new ipad....HOT!

It is now past 11:00PM and Ryan is asleep in his office chair,  I am off to haul him to bed.

Goodnight everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Woo Hoo! The sickies are over! Does that mean your headache also, Bronwynn? Sure do hope so. Loves and squashes!!!
