Monday, March 26, 2012

It's vacation!

Yesterday, we found a little black ant roaming around our kitchen.  Ryan put it on Gracie's arm to crawl around, and you would have thought the sky was falling with all the excitement that entailed-until there was nothing left of it, that is.

Ryan's week of vacation starts today!!!! -after he rounds this morning on patients.  His plans this week include the following:

-yard work--weed the backyard
-paint the upstairs bathroom
-FOLD 6-8 loads of laundry (I wash them)
-donate plasma
-study for the OMSITE
-meet with Sharina on Tue to talk about home school for Jace
-drive to South Dakota with his shrieking daughter. She hates the car-would rather run around. (But it's only 320 miles each way)
-watch General Conference (of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)
-clean the house-upstairs and downstairs
-play with his children
-teach Jace some piano lessons
-make love to his wife

We will see what he gets accomplished.  I'm sure you know as I do, that there are a few items on his list that will take priority.

I will be posting about our progress during the week.

Have a great day everyone.


  1. please don't update about ALL the progress. ;)

  2. I LOVE your writing and sense of humor! You are such a crack-up, B4! Did you arrange the order on the list to insure that the everything BEFORE the last one would be accomplished? LOVE IT!!!!
