Monday, February 27, 2012

Plugging along

Here in Iowa we are just plugging along.  There is nothing really exciting to report from our neck of the woods.  March 1st is this week, and surprisingly, Ryan and I will be a little sad to see his 4 months on general surgery go.  With the new regulations that hit the medical field a few months ago, life on this rotation has been predictable.  He usually worked 12 days is a row, getting every other weekend off.  His shifts were 12  to 16 hours long, then he came home.

Oral surgery is the only residency that is not regulated, or really changed by the new rules.  So back to the old grind we go. He will now work 3 weekends a month and take call for 24 hours at a time.  But  since Ryan loves sleepless nights fixing mandible fractures on drunks who get into bar fights, he really is just mostly looking forward to the excitement.

Jace is really excited to start pre-school on Thursday.  He is enrolled for 6 weeks.  I didn't think I would feel emotional about it, but I do.  It is hard for me, and especially hard for Ryan, to let him go off into the big world.  Kindergarten registration is this week too.  So Ryan and I have been having late night discussions on what to do about school for him next year. (For those of you who didn't know, Ryan was home schooled.)

And Gracie, she is at a marvelous age.  She just spends her day not worrying about anything at all.  Everything for her is a new adventure or discovery.

Her latest thing- is thinking she should be allowed to wear a plastic bag on her head.

Now what could be the harm in that?!!


  1. Hoping a return to R.VA is in your family's future. Hello's and hugs from us to you...

  2. Jennifer, it is so good to hear from you! I am so proud of Chloe. Almost through book 2! We start looking for jobs this coming year, so we have no idea where the road will take us. But we do plan on visiting VA regularly when he is done!

  3. the school debate is a hard one but all three of mine have done SO well in kindergarten.
