Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Stuck trucks and mud

I have six sisters. It is wonderful. Here you see 2 of them. Malynne is wearing blue, and Debra pink.  

They are busy assembling a 30-40 foot pipe, which is usually used to knock pecans out of my parent's pecan trees. 

On this evening, they are using it to unplug the ditch that travels about 30 feet under my Dad's tool shed.

A dump truck AND a bulldozer, which both belong to Christopher Robin, got stuck in it during irrigation.

The story is: they floated down the ditch during irrigation time, and went sailing under the shed before Christopher Robin could catch them. 

I suspect that that story is mostly true, except for the part that Christopher Robin didn't try too hard to get them out before they were sucked into the darkness under the shed. Despite my requests to not let them get near the shed during watering time, the temptation was too much for a curious 5 year old boy.  He just had to watch them come out on the other side. But he kept waiting and waiting and waiting, but sure enough, they never saw the light of day... until about 2 hours later

after his sweet aunts, a few uncles, and a sprinkle of cousins had come to the rescue on their hands and knees.

Here is the rescued bulldozer and AJ is holding the rescued dump truck.

While Christopher Robin was helping rescue his stuck trucks, Rue was making her own discovery a few feet away.

Who would have thought that a few hours after the irrigation water had done it's work, a glorious substance called mud would be left behind in the red ditches?

But here it was.
gallons and gallons of it!

Oh, lucky us. 

She squished it between her fingers and her toes.

She stomped and she romped and she screeched with utter delight! 

Until it was dusk and I hauled her inside.

And this is how our second day in Southern Utah ended, with 2 munchable kids in the tub!