Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What's going on

In case you have been wondering what is going on in our neck of the woods, here is a little update.

Ryan has 8 more days left on his Neurosurgery rotation.  It started May 1st.  He goes to work every morning at 3:50AM!  He gets up at 3:20AM.  Isn't that crazy?  All the neurosurgery residents have this schedule for 7 years. How do they do it?  I haven't minded this rotation.  He gets home every evening by 6:00PM.  He does work Sundays, but he has been done by noon.  But when you start at 4AM that is still an 8 hour workday.  He has been suffering with a really bad cold these last several days, and I have been dying for him because he is so exhausted.   He just needs some decent sleep.  He got a new church calling 2 weeks ago.  He is now in the Elder's Quorum presidency.  He will be missed terribly in the nursery by me and his daughter.

Jace has 8 more days of preschool left. We are both glad that it will be done soon. Last week he kept telling me and Ryan  that he is done with preschool and he wants to do home school now.  When he learned that I would be his home school teacher next year, not  Daddy, he got a horrified look on his face.  It was quite funny.  I told Ryan that I would be a little horrified too if I were him. When there is a job to get done, I mean business and Daddy makes everything fun and turns work into a game.  Which teacher would you pick?  

Grace: has been on several outings on her new bike.  We have been across the Iowa river bridge to see the dam and we even went to the farmers market on Saturday.  When we hear the crowd cheering from our front porch over at West High School during the baseball games she goes crazy until we walk her over to see them play.  She is such a little athlete.  It is so funny.  Where did that come from?  She knows how to hit the ball with the bat and loves to kick Jace's soccer ball in the back yard.  

Me : I am wanting to get every closet and drawer cleaned and organized in my house and all the spots scrubbed out of my carpet.  I have decided to clean one each day until I get through them.  I don't want to wait until it is time to put our house on the market in 18 months to take on that project.  So I am trying to keep on top of our clutter.  I also started exercising again, and I quickly remembered why I never exercise.  I really just hate it. How do people learn to love it or just love it naturally? I have a violin student that comes on Saturday morning. This student is really fun and low stress. I want one more just like her.  I also will be posting more pictures of our Utah trip soon.  I have been working on getting them uploaded onto Blogger it just takes FOREVER!

And this is The End


  1. come hang in virginia. i'll cook.

  2. ... then all of you come and hang in Utah. I'll order in! ;) How 'bout it, Miss Jen???
