Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A little more of St. George

Another surprise Jace received from his Uncle Jabe was this Optimus Prime kite.  I was pretty impressed that Jabe somehow knew that Jace was in love with Opitmus Prime.

Jace had never flown a kite before and loved helping Jabe put it together.  When it was all ready, they went out my Mom's back door and walked over to Heritage park, a block away, to give it a try!

I wanted to go with them, but Grace was napping and due to wake up soon, so I sent my camera with Jabe to take some pictures for me.  He took these of them in the park.

 It looks like they were able to get it up in the air.

Grace and I met them at this little Bistro north of the park. 

It was getting cloudy and cold, but as we were walking home we strolled through this part of Heritage park.  I love this water feature.  Usually it is filled with tons of children having a great time, but today it was cold and empty. Don't you love the beautiful Tabernacle in the background?  My pioneer ancestors helped build it.

The water was too cold for Gracie Rue.

But Jace could not resist rolling the stroller wheels through the water.

 It was getting colder and darker, so we reluctantly headed back home.

Jace loves having Grace as his captive audience.

So on the way home he did not disappoint her. He gave her a crazy ride filled with bumps and quick turns -

the best part - his wet pants would not stay up around his waist, so he would run a few feet then stop to pull up his trousers .  He thought it was hysterically funny.  So did me and Jabe - because it was.

We made it home pants and all before the thunder rolled in.  It was a great day!

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