Friday, May 18, 2012

Coming soon

Pictures of little Rue's birthday celebration are coming soon.  I still want to spend more time on that post. So in the meantime, look at what we found in our front yard a few days ago.

It is a Robins nest with 2 baby birds.  It is nestled on the vine that climbs the post to our upstairs deck.

Since we found the nest, Ryan and Rue have spent quite sometime out front looking at it while I cook dinner. They even saw the Mommy bird catch a moth and feed it to the babies.

It has been so facinating to watch this process. I am just glad she is too young to notice that one of the birds just died yesterday. So sad.  It either fell, or got pushed out of the nest. 


  1. we have a nest in our tree house and one in our hanging basket, pretty much every year. the one in the tree house has even had several occupants in the same season. super fun.

  2. These precious, innocent faces discovering natural wonders with their daddy. Wasn't that yesterday that I was doing the same thing with their daddy?
