Friday, July 27, 2012

Backyard saga... Part II

Part II of our saga is absolutely fun!!  As most of you guessed it, or already knew, we decided to put up a  pool in our backyard. It is my sweet Dr.'s birthday present to me, as I turn 39 in a few weeks.  Pool or no pool was a really hard decision to make, as we have to put our house on the market to sell in 20 months, and we knew that a random circle in our lawn was not going to help the resale.  But we have nearly 2 years to remedy that!

So twilight last Saturday night was finally the moment we had all been waiting for for over a week.  For days we had been staring at a large box in our family room that contained this little pool before we finally had our ground level enough to put it up.

Jace and Grace were so thrilled when Ryan laid out the pool liner.  Just watching them roll around and play while we assembled the frame ALMOST made all the arduous digging worth it.


By dark we had the liner and frame put together, but it was too dark to start filling it.  But on Sunday, when we got home from Church we turned on the hose!  When Christopher Robin learned that swimming on Sunday was not a Sunday activity he was NOT amused.  I think it was the worst news he has received in his life.

But we dragged him off on a road trip to Clinton, Iowa,--90 miles  away to pick up some pool steps I had found on Craigslist.  The family that we got them from turned out to be LDS too!  It was so fun to make that connection.

Ryan and I put in the steps and left the hose running over night.  The next morning an excited little Robin went out to see the filling pool!
The water of course was cold, but it didn't stop him from hiking up his pajama pants and taking a little dip!

That afternoon, when Gracie was down for a nap Jace and I slipped out to have a dip together.  It was too cold, so I figured out how to hook up my  garden hose to our hot water heater and emptied into the pool!  Yes I did!

And then we had a very pleasant swim!

When the Dr. got home to try it out himself he didn't mind one bit that his pool was heated!



  1. i would give an arm and a leg...and maybe one ear to be able to come play in the pool with my favorite swigert family!!!

  2. That is sooo exciting!!!! I am glad that it turned out to be a pool! Have fun but watch out for that Spunky Rue, that she doesn't try to get in on her own. I know I was a spunky girl like her at her age and I had to be pulled out numerous times. I agree with Jenny though, I would be willing to possibly give up even an ear to be there with you guys having fun in your new pool!

  3. I could go for a dip in that right about now! Have SOOOO much fun!!

  4. How fun! I was so tired after reading about all of the work that you guys put in! I just love reading your blog, you are a very entertaining author! Hey, let's go out and celebrate all of your hard work!

  5. Oh how I loved seeing the pictures of this adventure! I love that you figured out the water heater hahaha. That's awesome! Here's to hoping that next year we can come swim! Love you :)

  6. WHAT A CRACK-UP!!!!! I love it!! I would give an arm, leg, and an ear to come to join my precious gang in Iowa!!! Kenzi is right ... she jumped into the deep end of the swimming teacher's pool thinking that she had been born with some sort of apparatus to allow underwater breathing. EEEEEHAH!!!

  7. You guys are a hoot! I love that you put a pool in your backyard. You never know ... it could definitely be a perk when you resell! :) It'll just take the right buyers ... but they could be thrilled to see a pool and it could seal the deal for them.
