Monday, October 24, 2011

Birthday week - Part II

Here is Christopher Robin, age 5.
  Favorite color: lighter blue
  Favorite letter: O
  He is forty-five inches tall and 39.5 lbs, and puts his pajamas on backwards!
On Wednesday night, the night before his birthday, I stayed up late and decorated the dining room. 

The next morning he woke up and opened his presents.
He got a crane truck, a silver big rig, and

a box of his favorite drink-hot chocolate with colored marshmallows.

Gracie got a pretty pony. She has never opened a present before, so this was her first!

The crane truck was pretty busy all morning

catching birthday balloons.

 Grammy and Poppy called and sang Happy Birthday, such a treat.

Then we went to........
Planet X!

My boys loved it! And so did my girl! There was so much to do. They drove race cars and

played Bowlingo. It is a smaller version of bowling and quite fun.

After a little coaching from Dad, Jace was on a roll.

He did pretty well.
  I think he takes after his

And so does

They had a lot of fun shooting Robots.

They took it very seriously as you

can see.

I cannot say  enough about the bumper cars.  They were a blast. Ryan and I want to put some in our basement someday!

I thought they were a little tricky to maneuver, but Christopher Robin was like a fish in water driving these things.  He LOVED IT!!!  I would have to say they were his favorite part.

The final touch to the evening was when Christopher Robin won the JACKPOT on the ball drop game!!  OH, yes he did!  The lights flashed and the bell rang and more than 150 tickets came streaming out!! It was so great!  A wonderful end to a birthday boy's day.  So we fed him some pizza and cashed in those tickets.

Then drove our worn out birthday boy home!

Happy Birthday Christopher Robin XOXO!!

1 comment:

  1. i think it's hilarious that you love bumper cars so much. i personally couldn't go into planet x without breaking out in hives...but it does look pretty fun. happy birthday jace!!! the ramseys love you!!
