Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Typical Tuesday

A typical Tuesday around here most often goes like this:

5:00 AM   Ryan's alarm goes off.
5:35 AM   Get out of bed late.
5:50 AM   Leave for the hospital to do who knows what all day long, basically try to not kill people when administering anesthesia to them for their surgeries.

7:24 AM  Grace wakes up for the day.   Happy as a Lark!
7:26 AM  Mom drags out of bed.
8:40 AM  Jace wakes up --not too happy!
9:50 AM  Leave for "school" aka speech therapy with Katie.

10:05 AM -arrive 5 minutes late
10:06 AM Get mesmerized by ball machine in waiting area.

10:10-11:00 AM  Play games with Katie while practicing pronunciation.
Today it was a treasure word  hunt in the dark with a hippopotamus flashlight. So much fun!

11:05 AM   Look at train in other waiting area.

11:15 AM   Get home. Gracie has a nap.

11:30 AM    Mom puts house back together from the morning rush.

12:00 PM   Mom collapses on couch.

12:30 PM   Grace is up and going.

12:35 PM  We clean the upstairs bathroom.

1:00 PM  We take our bed apart, take off our clothes and make "soup" with left over breakfast.

1:30 PM  Meanwhile Grace climbs up in the dishwasher-mom moves her.

1:35 PM  Grace climbs on the piano-mom moves her.
1:40 PM Grace climbs in the fridge-mom moves her.

2:15 PM   Everyone is bored and hungry-mom makes lunch.
2:45 PM   Mom cleans up lunch.
3:00 PM   Grace cries every time mom puts her down.
4:00  PM  Mom is tired and feeling a little crazy.
4:45 PM   Grace is FINALLY asleep for second nap.

5:00 PM  Jace in downstairs in the sandbox building a church. Sans underwear.

6:05 PM   Grace is awake.
6:08 PM  The garage door opens--Daddy is home!!!!!!!!!

6:10 PM  Dad walks in door, gives everyone kisses, and swings around a shrieking Grace.

6:30 PM  Everyone is done playing in the sandbox and wondering what is for dinner--including Mom.

7:00 PM  Dinner--we decide on waffles and broccoli.  We forget about the broccoli and it pretty much burns up.

7:30 PM  A whole firetruck fleet equipped with pumper and ladder trucks, shows up with a firefighter to put out the smoke!

7:45 PM The Dr. discusses tomorrow's surgery cases with his attending physician and then plays some unaccompanied Bach Cello Suites-so beautiful.  Wish you all could have heard it. I thought of you Mom.

8:00 PM  Jace tells Ryan the cello is too loud.

8:10 PM  We clean the kitchen, living room, and Jace's bedroom.  All dishes are washed and toys put away.  Kitchen floor is mopped. Are you impressed?

8:35PM We read scriptures in the dark with a flashlight.  Awesome!

8:45 PM  Bedtime!!! for the kids.  Teeth are brushed, books are read, tears are shed.

9:40 PM  Both kids are still awake.

9:59 PM   Both Kids are still awake

10:24 PM  I hear the sounds of silence.

10:32 PM  Ryan makes eyes at me.

10:33 PM  We pray.

10:34 PM  Ryan nods off  before we say amen.

11:53 PM  Mom's tired.  I  click "publish post."

And it's all just so.........typical!


  1. Hahahaha! Bronwynn, I LOVE IT! You are such a good writer. But you didn't tell us what happened after, "Ryan makes eyes at me," and "publish post." ;)
    Those kiddos, those kiddos, those kiddos!! Scrumptious. The CR squat ... the cello in scrubs ... Gracie climbing, soup in the nude ... Daddy home ... ahhhhh!
