Sunday, March 20, 2011

Like Grammy......Like Grandson!

Saturday Jace came to me and said, "Mommy I want some of that black stuff to drink."

Black Stuff? I thought. What does he mean? So I said, "do you mean hot chocolate?" We drink that at least once a day.

"No, I mean the black, sippy stuff."

"I don't know what you mean Jace, you are going to have to show me."

He promptly went to the fridge and took out an old, de-fizzed, almost empty can of coke. How did he even know that stuff was in there?

I think it is the nastiest stuff around. My mom used to give us coke syrup as kids to cure an upset stomach.

"Jace, you can't drink that, it is for when Mommy's head hearts."

"But, I need it, my head is hurting too."

Yeah, right!

Luckily, I had a can of decaffeinated coke in the pantry. Makes great Cafe Rio pulled pork--can I just tell ya.

Oh, that wonderful sound a can of pop (yes- pop Jen, not soda!) makes when it is first opened. It did a  little 4 year old's heart good.

"Mmmmmm," he says after his first sip, "that's makin' me grow up. It's a little spicy, but that's OK. I LOVE it!"

"Mmmmm, it's good, you want some too Daddy?"

He drank the whole can, minus Ryan's sip, and had the mustache to prove it. I still can't drink an entire can of pop in one sitting.

It might be time to buy stock in the Coca-Cola Co.


  1. If you HAVE TO BE IN IOWA, this is the next best thing!!! He is his Grammy's grandson! You must tell him that Grammy is officially on the wagon. I have switched to meth! :)

  2. The look on his face in the third picture is a crack-up! He looks like the heroin has just hit the system! ;)
