Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Starting T-ball

Christopher Robin is starting T-ball tonight.  It is his first time ever and he is so excited. 
We are fortunate to live next to excellent neighbors.  Not only do they do our yard work for us, they also happen to be professional umpires! 
So here is Andy over in our yard teaching Jace the mechanics of how to swing a bat.  He also supplied us with all the latest equipment!

As we all know, you have to have the proper technique to get the right results.

After a few swings Christopher Robin was getting the hang of it!

The bat was hitting the ball, and the ball was leaving the T!
But Andy was still scratching his head, so he must have still seen some technique that still needed "cleaning up!"

Tonight is the big night.  Jace is on the Mariners team and he will meet his coach and team members at 6:00 pm.  Wish us luck! 

And P.S.-He has games through the 16th of July, so if any of you want to drive 1500 miles to come to a game, you are more then welcome!!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Oh! I wish I could come to one of those games! Beam me up Scottie! (And don't listen to Grammy's stories of you Aunt Kate with T-Ball, Jace!)
