Thursday, April 5, 2012


On our long drive home from South Dakota, we decided to take a pit stop in Des Moines at the Pro Bass Shop- and we hit the jackpot!
When we walked through the doors, a nice lady asked us, "are you here for the Easter egg hunt?"  "Yes" we said!  She equipped Robin and Rue with some plastic bags and told them where the eggs were hidden.

Oh it was fun--racing through the isles gathering eggs!  It was Grace's first egg hunt-last year she wasn't walking yet.

Jace was an old pro,

but Gracie was having problems
getting those eggs to cooperate!

So her Dad helped her out, and soon her
bag was full too.  We went back to the nice lady and turned in our eggs for some cookies.

Then we went to the back of the store to see the fish, and waterfall, and this Pro Shop had a bear too!  Just like the one in VA!

I went off to order lunch while Christopher Robin kept himself busy winning some Nascar races.

I don't think he ever knew I was gone.

And Ryan practiced target shooting. 
And he finally hit something!
Gracie rode the fawn, we ate lunch, went to the bathroom, changed a diaper, and
had our picture taken with the Easter Bunny!

It was a perfect stop!


  1. i love you ambitious people. we don't go anywhere. haha.

  2. This is darling!! What a lucky Easter Bunny to be next to this precious group that I love and adore!!
