Monday, August 22, 2011

A little neighborhood excitement

Early this afternoon I was informed by Christopher Robin that "today is really boring for me."  "What would make it exciting?" I asked him.  "Oh, to eat an ice cream cone or something like that."

Without delay, I produced an ice cream cone. I was pretty glad that that was all it took to make the day more exciting.

A little while later I was in my bedroom putting Grace down for her nap when I heard the roaring of what sounded like a BIG truck in front of our house. Soon thereafter I heard my front door open and Christopher Robin walk down the front steps. 

After Grace was in dreamland, I peeked out to see what Jace was up to.

He was just cozily watching a blue car carrier load up our neighbor's car.
How often does a little boy score a blue car carrier in their neighborhood?

Here is one happy, NOT bored Christopher Robin.

Oooooh, look at that Mommy!

Fifteen minutes later he was still here.

And 45 minutes later.

Then it finally drove away.

But not before making someone's day REALLY exciting!!

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