Wednesday, July 17, 2024

July 4th 2024


Red, White and Blue bling....a July 4th must. 

                And none better to wear it than these two cuties. 

For months I'd been planning our visit to my hometown in Southern Ut.  We rented razors-twice and went on excursions, to see the beautiful sights of the red desert. 

The morning of the fourth, we took the girls and went up to the Toquerville falls. 

I love this little desert oasis in the middle of nowhere. It has 2 waterfalls. This is the upper fall. 

This is the lower one. Last summer, we were able to jump off the ledge down into the pond below, but it was too shallow this year.  I was SUPER disappointed. 

My nephew Cameron came with his family. (He's wearing red.)

On the way home, his razor stopped working .  Oh yes it did--in 110 degree heat!   But one razor had empty seats so they piled in and held their kids on their laps. 

That evening we saw my family for awhile.  In this picture is my bother Chris, BIL Shawn, sister Calista, SIL Gina and nephew Cragun with wife Sarah and daughter Rhiannon. 

On Saturday morning, early-Ryan flew with Paul (BIL and our pilot) up to Provo, UT to  pick Jace up from FSY. ( Church youth camp).  We had so much fun taking the girls on the razors, so we booked a trip with the boys!   So fun.  This one was dirtier!  We went riding razors on the beautiful red sand dunes near Sand Hallow Reservoir, we also went to the  T. Falls again.

                Will, Jace, Ryan and Noah, all hot and dirty!

                             Ryan and his "Buddy Boy"

    Me and Jace standing in the Sand Hallow Reservoir. I love the red sand of my childhood. This is home.

A fun little stop for a photo. Cool rock cave!

                            The ledge--only a 100 foot drop if Ryan lets go of my hand.  He didn't-so he must still like me after 20+ years!

The falls with the boys.  SO nice to cool down!  It was so hot!  

The boys in their rig--Ryan taking a selfie. 

My handsome teenager!  Soon to be a senior in High School!

We cleaned up and took the girls to Frozen at Tuacahn, the outdoor theater in Southern Utah.  They put on excellent productions. We loved it. We went to Anastasia as well.  That was my favorite. 

It was a wonderful weekend filled with memories, and experiences together with loved ones. My heart swells with love for our great Country. It is still the greatest country on earth, and I hope we can remain that way.  I pray its people choose to live righteously and virtuously, so we can maintain our freedoms. 

God Bless America, Land That I love---with my whole heart and soul. 

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