Monday, July 8, 2024

Christmas 2023 Part 2

Christmas morning finally came!!   It took Jace until late morning to discover this beast in the driveway!!  Super fun to see his surprise when he walked out the front door, and to his amazement, there was an armored assault vehicle in the driveway!!  Oh yes there was!  Thank you Santa and eBay motors!

This is what every home needs might I add.  Not sure what exactly we're going to do with this thing--but I've heard reports that it is a super fun vehicle to use when playing airsoft. So glad, because it takes up the entire driveway!


I think the bow and wreath are stinking cute!!  

Meet Kevin

     He has become the Humvee mascot.  Another item Jace ordered for Christmas. 

Another great tradition that I highly recommend if your budget allows,  is going out to a nice dinner on Christmas Eve.  This Mom is exhausted and  frazzled from all the Christmas preparations, and it's really nice to have a sit down dinner, where we can visit and discuss the highlights from the year.  We then go home and have our family devotional and gift exchange.  I love all of it. 

Our favorite place is the Gourmet Room in Laughlin, Nevada.  It's an hour drive from home, but it has lights that shimmer on the Colorado River at night, it's beautiful and the food is always divine.

Gracie has had a crush on this nutcracker since she was 4!   
Gracie has h
Kjersti is not sure how much she loves them.  She's still thinking about it. 

I wonder what's in this?  If I could remember, I'd type it here. 

Bentleys first Christmas with our family!

Jace had Gracies name this year--and he teased her with the gifts he got her. 

She really wanted a gift card from a little jewelry shop down town. So he got her one and put it in this maze puzzle box.  

It turned out that she couldn't open it, and she may have gotten a little teary after trying for about 15+ minutes.  So Jace gave it a try as well.  It was late, and all were tired and needed to get to bed so Santa could come. But it was finally opened!

At last the kids were all snuggled down into their beds in our bedroom.  Christmas Eve is traditionally one big sleepover in our bedroom, dogs and all!!  I love it!

Little peak at what Santa left. 

Kjersti asked for this little razor.  The girls have fun driving it here on our land. And so great to haul hay for animals etc. Defiantly a good call Santa. 

So glad she is still young enough to want a Barbie for Christmas. 

This teenager only asked for a phone. I have many opinions about getting teenagers phones.  In the end she met all the Swigert requirements for getting one, so Santa delivered. 

Jaces usually asks for airsoft stuff this days. 

Pretty fun all around.  I feel very blessed to live in this great country, and to have the knowledge that Jesus Christ was born, and lived and died for each of us. Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas 2023.

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