Tuesday, July 9, 2013

An attempt

I have been wanting to post for the last 2 weeks, but I haven't had time.  This is my attempt to catch up a little bit. 

Friday-July 5th- we finished our 2 weeks of swimming lessons.  They were a huge let down this year.  The reason...it has been freezing cold here.  The western United States has been burning up with heat and we have been freezing.  When I say freezing I mean 64 degrees at 10:30 in the morning when it has been time to leave for class.  Of the 10 sessions we paid for we attended 5.  Gracie loved it.  I snapped these 2 pictures of her in the baby pool during her Tots at Play class before I got in trouble. No cameras allowed! Jace was off on the other side of the pool FREEZING to death.  His teacher often had him get out of the pool and come find me because his lips were blue and he was shaking. 

T-ball is still in full swing until either the 16th or 23rd of July.  Tonight we have a game but it is pouring rain today, so we might have to push everything back a week.  When it is Jace's turn to be in the outfield, he always just takes a comfy seat on the grass.  When he plays pitcher or catcher though, he has amazed Ryan and I with his ability to get the ball and throw it in to home base.  

Here is our athlete in outfield, in his own little world while the game is going on around him!! So funny!
Another project the Dr has been wanting to take on, but the cold weather hasn't allowed him to, is get our pool up and filled for the year.
  Earlier in June I made the mistake of telling the Dr that I didn't care if we put the pool up this year.  I told him it was too cold for me this year, that I didn't have a swimming suit I could fit in, and I just didn't have the energy to take it on.... bla, bla, bla.  The Dr informed me that he would be putting it up, and filling it up, and throwing me in if need be, that after he spent several weeks digging a hole last year to put it in... I would be swimming!! 
 The Dr rarely puts his foot down, I find it so funny- and cute- when he does.  Yes, he was really serious.  Especially since I just called our realtor a few weeks ago and she informed us that the best thing to do would be for the Dr to re-fill the hole this fall and either lay sod on it or reseed it to sell the house this spring.  He is so excited about this project...the top soil alone is only going to cost him about $175..........good thing he loves me.....lots. 
So on Saturday, June 29th, despite the fact that it was 72 degrees, the Dr took on the pool project because we were having a 4th of July swim party at our house.  Here you see Jace taking on the not so easy job of hauling the pool polls to the back yard.
But one by one they were able to get them transported via dump truck to the back yard. 
It was no easy feat says the Dr!!
Scrubbing the liner with Scotch Pads and Soft Scrub--got all the dark stains right off.
It took awhile.
Monday evening, July 1, brought them to the next step of scrubbing the pool steps that had sat on our back patio all winter long. 
But Gracie got them all shiny and white.
The poll assembly crew
That night Andy showed up to help Ryan put the thing together.  I wasn't able to help much this year.  I am not supposed to lift more then 20-25 lbs.

I had to head off to the gym and when I got home about 50 minutes later they had made great progress.  I especially enjoyed the sight of the vacuum in the back yard. I guess they had decided to vacuum the liner before they started to fill it.  We have a clean pool!
Starting to fill it. 
After an inch of water gets in it, the next step is to get out all the wrinkles.
Somehow the Dr was able to manage that with Robin and Rue RUNNING around dancing in the water.
Gracie slipped and got soaking wet, but it was no problem, we just put her swimming suit on.  The water was so cold.

We let it fill over night and the next morning when we inspected it, it had three leaks!!  Water was squirting out in 3 places.  We couldn't believe it!  But the Dr again came to the rescue and fixed them on his lunch hour.  He's the man.

Three days later was our 4th of July party. I will post pictures of that later this week.  It was a huge success, I was so happy...and so exhausted. 


  1. Jace's T-Ball outfield position is hilarious! I love it, B4. These pictures are darling but where is B4????

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. love this post. jace is hilarious. love the image of dr.swigert throwing the hammer down.

  4. I am jealous of all that GREEN! Living in the desert, we forget about the beauty that exists in other parts of the country ... :)
