Monday, May 20, 2013

The HIKE! Utah Trip Part II

Christopher Robin giving our hike a thumbs....UP!!
The last day we were in Utah, Thursday, April 11th, we decided to be adventurous and go hiking.  I am not sure what possessed us.  We had attempted this hike the day before for about 45 minutes but had turned back because we knew nothing about the trail we were on and it was getting dark.  Christopher Robin was extremely disappointed when we had abandoned the hike and turned around, but we promised him we would come again the next morning when we were prepared. We explained to him that we needed some water and some hiking shoes. That evening when we looked up information about the hike on the Internet is was described as being EASY and 1.75 miles.  I called my sisters Randolyn and Malynne and invited them to join our fun!

The next morning at 7:30AM sure enough Christopher Robin and Rue both woke up and were biting at the bit- excited to take on the adventure.  Ryan and I had secretly hoped they would forget about it.  But they didn't so we rallied and got ready to HIKE!! 
Here is my sister Randolyn --she was crazy enough to join us! I am so glad she did.   
She saved us at the end.
 The first mile of the trek was just climbing up and down red rock as it wound through the canyon.  It was easy compared to what awaited us the rest of the hike.
The next TWO miles we trudged through sandy riverbed.  The sand was deep and  wading through it was slow and arduous.  Gracie quickly lost steam and Ryan had the pleasure of carrying her for miles on his hip.  I should have snapped a picture, but the camera was in his pocket and he was ahead of the three of us.  
After we had climbed and trudged for what seemed like forever-- we stopped to eat a snack--thanks Aunt Randolyn for bringing lots of goodies--and the kids played in this cool rock.  Along the way we ran into a trail guide, we asked her if we were on the right path for the three ponds. She looked at us like we were crazy and said, as she pointed West, "yes, but the ponds are over two miles in that direction."
So after about three and a half hours of experiencing ultimate joy we arrived at what Christopher Robin called the three puddles. 
They were indeed puddles. Afterall, this is the desert. Here we are at puddle number two. 
Higher up, was the third one--it had vanished.  
And this is the first one, at the bottom.   

It was Jace's favorite.  He decided to dream about life by it I think.   
So the entire hike ended up being 3.5 miles and was described in the park guide as being moderate not easy.  Not too bad. It really was fun, just hard walking through miles of sand. But there was nothing better then enjoying nature and Aunt Randolyn on an early morning adventure!

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