Monday, November 19, 2012

To my lonely man

Hi Rye-Pie, it was so lovely to talk to you tonight for an hour or so.  Oh, I can tell you miss us terribly.  We miss you.  I miss you.  I am so exhausted tonight.  Your daughter wore me out today!  I can hardly wait until Thursday, when I can hand her over to you!

Your children played in the old garden spot for a good hour or so.  Gracie and Conagher are new BFF's.  She followed him everywhere today.  

She called you on her kitchen phone all morning and made lots of mud soup.  I am saving it for you to clean up! 

  Your "Buddy boy" was an angel.  He quietly played in the yard all day

and raced monster trucks with his sister.

She pulled the little truck attached to a string and mowed Jace over a few times.  But he didn't seem to mind.

I have no plans for tomorrow. We may go see the dinosaur tracks with Randolyn, but I am not sure.  We are really hoping Boston gets her mission call on Wednesday.  We are all on pins and needles.  Do you want to make a guess as to where she is going.  I will put a pin on the map with your name.  A prize goes to the winner!

Well, my mom is waiting for me, I am reading her the book your mom gave us--"Being George Washington."

Talk to you tomorrow I hope.

I Love you.

PS.  Jace says to tell you, "I miss him."  It is 10:00PM and he is here in the kitchen with us dreaming and eating cinnamon rolls.

Good night.  XOXOXO#$%!


  1. I miss you guys terribly!!!! Iowa is way too lonesome without my twits and Bayba. Just biding my time until I can come and squash you guys.

    My bet for Boston's mission call is Massachusetts - Boston Massachusetts...too easy. ;)

    I love and adore you, Bayba!! XOIXOXOXOX!@#!#!@#!!

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