Sunday, November 11, 2012

A lot has happened...

and I am coming back slowly.  Most of you who talk to us on a regular basis already know our news, but if you haven't heard, I want you to know that we have lost our April baby. When I went in to my 16 week appoinment there was no heartbeat.  They think he died around 15 weeks gestation.  His name was to be Truman Ryan and he had Trisomy 21.  I delivered him on Friday, November 2nd, and I am home from the hospital and recovering.

We have felt the calming influence of the Spirit in our hearts through this experience and we appreciate the thoughts, prayers, meals, flowers, and words of comfort that have been shared with us.  We feel so blessed and loved.  Thank you.


  1. Bronwynn, I had no idea. I am so sorry to hear the devastating news. I am sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you. I am so sorry! Please know that Heavenly Father has a plan for your family (as you know) and that one day all things will be made right. I love you and am thinking of you. xo

  2. Love and prayers from the McIntyre family!

  3. Thinking of you every day, sis. Praying for you. Love you.

  4. You are in my prayers too! Love You!
