June 14th-19th took us to Salt Lake City to attend InterMountain Suzuki String Institute. It was cancelled last year -pandemic-and I have to say, it was lovely staying home.

Jace had several sheets of music to learn. We decided to drive up to SLC instead of fly--so we could leave our van there for the summer--as rental cars are mostly unavailable and terribly expensive post the pandemic. It was great because it gave Ryan and Jace an extra 7 hours to practice while I drove us up I 15.
Practicing in a moving vehicle is a challenge--and I heard a lot of weird sounds and laughing from the back seats whenever I would go over bumps and the cello would sound like it was farting.
Classic Jace pose--waiting his turn in Masterclass for his private lesson.
On Saturday, all the groups performed. It was fun to watch them grow musically during the week.
Jace did not disappoint, he played with finesse, and precision. We were proud of him!
At times, Ryan and I divided and conquered. Kjersti had her own music agenda. She was not part of the camp because of the limited students because of COVID restrictions, so Mrs Moench provided private lessons, group lessons and a performance class for her younger students. She also has a darling Grand- daughter named Ella, who is also a violinist. Kjersti and Ella love each other.
I was able to take them on an adventure to the SLC Aquarium--and it was so much fun! I had a blast with them.
They also attended to their practicing,
and they both did a fabulous job performing on Saturday morning! Kjersti's cousin-Suzannah -is the pianist. We are so lucky to have so many musicians in the family.
Afterwards we went to Day Murray Music so Kjersti could have Jared show her some Ukuleles. It was her reward for working so hard during the week.
Saturday evening, when all concerts were over, Uncle Paul came and picked us up in our airplane and flew us home. We stopped in St George, so we could pick up Gracie and Charlie. Gracie loves that she is a pianist and doesn't have to go to the string instrument camps. She was enthralled in cousin time.
She cried the whole way home because she had such a fabulous week --she didn't want it to end. And our camp was so wonderful we didn't want it to end either. So-here's to happy endings.