Thursday, March 31, 2011

Some lost keys, snow and a bow

The Dr. woke up today to some snow on the ground.  No big deal really, except he had lost the keys to his Altima yesterday and had to walk to work today.  I am really not a mean wife. I really would take him to the hospital 1.7 miles away,  but when we considered having to wake both kids up at 5:50AM to deliver him there, the less painful option was for him to walk, snow and all.  I had to have the van.

His 35 minute walk went well, a little cold, 20 degrees, but not too bad.  Along the way he found a willow stick that he planned to use as a "Slim Jim" to unlock his car that was still parked at the hospital.  His spare key only starts the engine.  Doesn't open the door.  (It's an old car.)  He said he did feel a little stupid carrying a 2-3 ft. long stick with him.

He is, for four months, training in anesthesia.  Today he had 5 surgery cases in which he was the anesthesiologist.  His fifth, and last case today, proved to be some-what entertaining.

A 64 yr. old woman was having a kidney stone removed.  She came into the pre-surgical  area.  Ryan met her and got her IV started.  When the nurse Jody entered the room, she said to Jody, " Well I am ready like I told you."   Jody became a little wide-eyed and smiled, then the patient said "see" and flipped open her gown, flashing her crotch area at Jody.  Jody chuckled.  She then turned around to Ryan and opened her gown and said "see" and then flashed him. He saw a gold bow stuck on her southern part. 

Much like the one Jace had on his head the other day.
"When she did that, what did you do?" I asked him, "what did you say to her?"   His response, "The surgeons are going to love that!" 

This patient then asked if there were any medical students or other people watching her procedure that would enjoy the surprise as well.  She was disappointed when she was told no.

She then said, "Ryan, you need to start warming up your voice. Last time I was put under I had the anesthesiologist sing me to sleep."

Ryan, clearing his throat, "well, I will do my best."  So with the surgeon, the resident surgeon, two scrub nurses, and another staff anesthesiologist watching and listening, he serenaded this bow-adorned patient into dreamland.  He said they all laughed at him/with him and a few eventually joined in.  (Good thing he has a nice voice!)

After the procedure was done, the resident surgeon replaced the bow. Ryan was then free to come home, which he did after he carried his stick to his car and picked the lock. He's still looking for the keys.

And that's what the Dr. and I talked about tonight while making dinner! 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"We're Going on a Bear Hunt"

A favorite childrens' book of ours, written by Michael Rosen and Helen Oxenbury.  Illustrated by Robin and Rue on their walk yesterday.

We're going on a bear hunt.  We're going to catch a big one.  What a beautiful day!   We're not scared.

Oh-oh!  A river! A deep, cold river. We can't go over it, we can't go under it. Oh, no! We've got to go through it!  Splash splosh! Splash Splosh! Splash Splosh!

We're going on a bear hunt. We're going to catch a big one.  What a beautiful day!  We're not scared.

Oh-oh!  Grass!  Short, pokey grass.  We can't go over it.  We can't go under it.  Oh, no! We've got to go through it. Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy!

We're going on a bear hunt.  We're going to catch  a big one.  What a beautiful day!  We're not scared.

Oh-oh! Mud! Thick, oozy mud.  We can't go over it.  We can't go under it.  Oh-no! We've got to go through it!  Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch! Squelch Squerch!

We're going on a bear hunt.  We're going to catch a big one.  What a beautiful day!  We're not scared.

Oh-oh!  What's that?  One shiny wet nose!  Two big furry ears!  Two big goggly eyes!  It's a...


We're not going on a bear hunt again.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rub a Dub Dub

Two kids in the tub.
                                                          And what do you think you'd see?
Christopher Robin drenching poor Rue!

Monday, March 28, 2011

And the Play by Play...

Since I know you are all DYING to know the results of Saturday's game.

Here is the rundown:

4:00 PM ish,   Ryan was seen in the kitchen stretching his arms, eating a big sandwich. I might have heard him say,  "gotta gear up, gotta be on top of my game."  (OK, I did hear him say that.)

4:05 PM ish,   I might have chuckled to myself and thought, "You just gear up!"

5:10 PM   We are at Colonial Lanes.

At the end of the 1st round, I was......up by 9 points!

At the end of the 3rd round I was....UP by 13 points.

At the end of the  6th round, (seeing a pattern yet?) I was UP by 21 points!

And the final score you ask?    62 to 89.  That would be a 27 point lead in my favor. (We are both pathetic.)

Yummmm, I can't get enough of that guy!
 Ryan claims he LET me win.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

I've got a hot date with the Dr. tonight!

Or better put, "I've got a date with the hot Dr. tonight!"

Christopher Robin spent his morning going to a birthday party.  After dropping him off the Dr. said, "Oh, my baby boy.  I am going to miss that little guy."

It's a monster truck.   

While he was there, the rest of us killed time at  Earl May trying to figure out how to grow a garden.  Apparently everything you plant will grow in fertile Iowan soil. Grace had to put her hand in every fountain.

Jace got done with the party.

Then the  Dr. challenged me to a game of bowling. (He  NEVER beats me. He still won't beat me tonight.) In fact, might I add, he has been known to say (when I was 7+ months pregnant) "I want to go bowling with you because now I can beat you."

He claims I have selective memory (I don't).

I say let the game begin!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Birds and the Bees...

Oh, the flowers and the trees.

Last night when I was in bed reading Transformers with Jace, we had a little "discussion."

It went like this:

Jace--"Mommy, I need lots of friends."

Mommy--"Do you remember Gavin, Caeden and Suzy, and Ellie, Nathan and Lizzy?"


Mommy--"They are your friends.  We just don't live by them right now.  Your new friends are Ammon, Charlie, and Sanders."

Jace--"I know Mommy,  but I need the kind of friends that come out of your tummy when it grows bigger, bigger, bigger."  --he demonstrates with his hands reaching out as far as they will go.

Mommy--"Oh, you mean like baby Gracie?"

Jace--"Yeah, but a boy.  A boy like me that likes lighter blue.  That's my favorite color, lighter blue."

Mommy--"Well, when Gracie gets a little bigger, maybe Mommy's tummy can do that again."--I'm thinking to myself--Ryan will be happy to get right on that.

Jace--"Yeah, I want it to just pop out of your belly button like I did.  See, (pointing to his belly button) I have one too!  Oh Mommy, I am so excited.  I can't wait!"

Now that we know it is just that easy, shouldn't we all get a' poppin'?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Typical Tuesday

A typical Tuesday around here most often goes like this:

5:00 AM   Ryan's alarm goes off.
5:35 AM   Get out of bed late.
5:50 AM   Leave for the hospital to do who knows what all day long, basically try to not kill people when administering anesthesia to them for their surgeries.

7:24 AM  Grace wakes up for the day.   Happy as a Lark!
7:26 AM  Mom drags out of bed.
8:40 AM  Jace wakes up --not too happy!
9:50 AM  Leave for "school" aka speech therapy with Katie.

10:05 AM -arrive 5 minutes late
10:06 AM Get mesmerized by ball machine in waiting area.

10:10-11:00 AM  Play games with Katie while practicing pronunciation.
Today it was a treasure word  hunt in the dark with a hippopotamus flashlight. So much fun!

11:05 AM   Look at train in other waiting area.

11:15 AM   Get home. Gracie has a nap.

11:30 AM    Mom puts house back together from the morning rush.

12:00 PM   Mom collapses on couch.

12:30 PM   Grace is up and going.

12:35 PM  We clean the upstairs bathroom.

1:00 PM  We take our bed apart, take off our clothes and make "soup" with left over breakfast.

1:30 PM  Meanwhile Grace climbs up in the dishwasher-mom moves her.

1:35 PM  Grace climbs on the piano-mom moves her.
1:40 PM Grace climbs in the fridge-mom moves her.

2:15 PM   Everyone is bored and hungry-mom makes lunch.
2:45 PM   Mom cleans up lunch.
3:00 PM   Grace cries every time mom puts her down.
4:00  PM  Mom is tired and feeling a little crazy.
4:45 PM   Grace is FINALLY asleep for second nap.

5:00 PM  Jace in downstairs in the sandbox building a church. Sans underwear.

6:05 PM   Grace is awake.
6:08 PM  The garage door opens--Daddy is home!!!!!!!!!

6:10 PM  Dad walks in door, gives everyone kisses, and swings around a shrieking Grace.

6:30 PM  Everyone is done playing in the sandbox and wondering what is for dinner--including Mom.

7:00 PM  Dinner--we decide on waffles and broccoli.  We forget about the broccoli and it pretty much burns up.

7:30 PM  A whole firetruck fleet equipped with pumper and ladder trucks, shows up with a firefighter to put out the smoke!

7:45 PM The Dr. discusses tomorrow's surgery cases with his attending physician and then plays some unaccompanied Bach Cello Suites-so beautiful.  Wish you all could have heard it. I thought of you Mom.

8:00 PM  Jace tells Ryan the cello is too loud.

8:10 PM  We clean the kitchen, living room, and Jace's bedroom.  All dishes are washed and toys put away.  Kitchen floor is mopped. Are you impressed?

8:35PM We read scriptures in the dark with a flashlight.  Awesome!

8:45 PM  Bedtime!!! for the kids.  Teeth are brushed, books are read, tears are shed.

9:40 PM  Both kids are still awake.

9:59 PM   Both Kids are still awake

10:24 PM  I hear the sounds of silence.

10:32 PM  Ryan makes eyes at me.

10:33 PM  We pray.

10:34 PM  Ryan nods off  before we say amen.

11:53 PM  Mom's tired.  I  click "publish post."

And it's all just so.........typical!

Monday, March 21, 2011

A Robin's View

I now am settling into a little blogging routine. I spend a little conscious day time trying to keep track of the camera, which I  am finding to be difficult.  That thing needs a pager on it.  I am actually, for the first time in my career as a mother,  trying to take pictures of my  kiddies. It has always been Ryan's thing.

At the end of the day when the house is quiet, and Ryan and the kids are asleep, I sit in bed, upload the pictures I took, and then try to remember what I learned in my 11th grade honors English class with Mrs Wenzel as I try to type something legible about the day!

I started this blog for two reasons really. The first is to capture the moments that flee so quickly from a mother's eyes.  The other is to share with you, my readers, a glimpse of that view.

Today,as I was about my household duties in the kitchen, while on the phone with a sister of mine,  my little Robin spent his time with the camera I had left on the counter. 

I didn't think much of it, except earlier this evening when I went to take a picture, I was annoyed because the  batteries were dead again in the camera.  I have been stealing all the batteries out of the kids' toys for the last few days to get the few shots I have posted.  I can't quite get to Walmart for some decent Duracell batteries, so I keep limping along with the ones I bought at the dollar store.

I just learned last week, with Ryan's coaching, how to upload the pictures off the camera onto the computer--that's how old I am!  And to those of you that blog, I now know what a dashboard is-besides the one in your car.

So now a glimpse of Christopher Robin's world.  He took 92 pictures today  and at least 20 of them were of his beloved tanker truck!  Which Grammy--he will tell you carries milk in it.

I love those toes!

          Enjoy your moments today everyone!!  xoxo